Dra. Rita, M.Pd.


Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran circuit learning terhadap hasil belajar menulis teks eksplanasi kelas X1 MAS Proyek Univa Medan . Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X1 yang berjumlah 129 orang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 66 orang. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen, penelitian ini melibatkan kelas eksperimen X1 MIA-2 dan kelas kontrol X1 MIA-1. Pada kelas eksperimen  diberikan perlakuan pengajaran menulis teks eksplanasi dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran circuit learning sedangkan pada kelas kontrol diberi perlakuan pengajaran menulis teks eksplanasi dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran concept sentence. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa hasil belajar siswa dalam menulis teks eksplanasi dengan menggunakan model  circuit learning nilai rata- rata 80,15. Hasil belajar siswa dalam menulis teks eksplanasi yang diajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran concept sentence nilai rata-rata 63,33. Hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan model circuit learninglebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran concept sentence. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil pengujian hipotesis untuk menentukan apakah hipotesis ditolak atau diterima,  dimana  pengujian taraf  diperoleh thitung> ttabel yaitu 23.79 >1,998,  dengan demikian, maka Ho di tolak dan Ha di terima. Hal ini berarti bahwa model pembelajaran circuit learningberpengaruh signifikan terhadap hasil belajar menulis teks eksplanasi yang diajarkan di MAS Proyek Univa Medan .

Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran circuit learning, teks eksplanasi, hasil belajar

Abstract. This research was conducted to find out teh influence of teh learning model called circuit learning on the results of learning to write explanatory texts, class X1, MAS, Univa Project, Medan. The populations in this study were the students of class X1, amounting to 129 poeple. The study sample used an entire populations of 66 people. The research method applied the experimental method and this study involved experimental class X1, MIA-2 and control class X1, MIA-1. The experimental class was given the teaching treatment to write explanatory texts by using the learning model called circuit learning, whereas the control class was given the teaching treatment to write explanatory texts by using the learning model called concept sentence. The result of the tudy showed that the students’s learning outcomes in writing explanatory texts using the circuit learning model had an average value of 80.15. The students’s learning outcomes in writing explanatory texts taught by using circuit learning model called concept sentence showed an average value of 63.33. The learning outcomes of the students taught by using circuit learning model were higher compared to the learning outcomes of the students taught by using he learning model called concept sentence. This is proven from the results of testing the hypothesis to determine whether the hypotesis was rejected or accepted, where from the testing of level , it was found that the tcount> ttable  yaitu 23.79 >1,998. This means that the learning model called circuit learning has a significant effect on the result of learning to write explanatory texts taught in MAS, Univa Project, Medan.

Keywords : Learning Model Circuit Learning, Explanatory texts, Learning outcomes

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