Abstrak. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gangguan berpikir pada lansia responden dari wanita lanjut usia di Dusun 1 Desa Celawan. Orang lanjut usia yang dipilih yang mempunyai kriteria berumur di atas 55 tahun. Responden yang diberikan CDT sebanyak 3 orang, tetapi tidak seluruhnya dapat dianalisis karena ada beberapa data yang tidak ditampilkan misalnya pendidikan, tidak ada hasil wawancara dan observasi mengenai keseharian responden. Dengan jumlah responden satu orang.
Kata kunci: Gangguan Berpikir, Lansia
Abstract. This study aims to determine thinking disorders in the elderly respondents from elderly women in Hamlet 1 Village Celawan. Selected elderly people who have criteria over the age of 55 years. Respondents who were given CDT were 3 people, but not all of them could be analyzed because there were some data that were not shown for example education, there were no results of interviews and observations about the respondents' daily lives. With the number of respondents one person
Keywords: Thinking Disorder, Elderly
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