Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Iklim Kerja dan Disiplin Guru terhadap Kinerja Guru di Yayasan Pendidikan Ibnu Halim Tanjung Mulia Medan

Bakhtiar Bakhtiar, Abdul Rasyid MS


The formulation of the problem in this study is how the influence of Leadership, Work Climate and Teacher Discipline on Teacher Performance at the Ibnu Halim Tanjung Mulia Education Foundation, Medan, either partially or simultaneously.The population and sample of this study were all teachers, totaling 40 people.The sampling technique uses total sampling.Data collection techniques used were direct interviews and questionnaires.The results of this study are that partially the leadership variable has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance with tcount>ttable, (2.345 > 1.67,), work climate has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance with tcount>ttable, (3.719 >1.67) and the Discipline Variable has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance with tcount > ttable, (2.423 > 1.67).Simultaneously the variables Leadership, Work Climate and Discipline have a positive and significant effect on Teacher Performance with Fcount > Ftable, (10.216 > 2.61).The R2 value (RSquare) is 0.524 which means that the variables of Leadership, Work Climate and Teacher Discipline have a positive and significant effect on Teacher Performance at the Ibnu Halim Tanjung Mulia Medan Education Foundation by 52.40%, and the remaining 47.60% again.


Leadership; Work Climate; Discipline; Performance

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