Syamsul Effendi


This article discusses the sale and purchase with payment through transfer system to banks in the
city, outside the city/region or abroad. The discussion focused on revealing on how the transaction
used transfers system, conditions and legal review of syar'i. The literature review is an approach
used in this study through collecting various informations from related sources such as print
media, electronic and internet. Transfering fund is performed from a customer's account to another
customer's account in a short time and secure manner. In this context, the transfer is a bank service
for the transfer of funds from one branch to another as requested by the customer to be paid to the
recipient in another branch of bank. This money transfer can be done for business purposes either
in the city, outside the city or abroad. The Muslim scholars‟ views about bank transfer law are not
found directly even in the form of a fatwa on this matter. Hence, to find out how the law of buying
and selling with funds transfer through the bank must investigate their opinions on the system of
sale and purchase in general context and then compared it to the trading in the “Salam” system.
Sale and purchase in Islamic Sharia is considered valid if it meets the conditions that have been
determined such as ijab-qabul (from sellers and buyers) who are not separated by other words or
silent long enough. This requirement applies if both parties are in the aqad assembly, nevertheless,
if one of the two parties is not in the aqad assembly the conversation and silence from the other
party does not damage the qabul as long as he/she does not yet know the aqad news. In this sense,
the aqad is assumed being prformed when a letter or representative from the other party comes to
him/her. In the sale and purchase transactions conducted by bank transfer, aqad (ijab-qabul) is
found from Muslim scholars‟ opinion, it is when the buyer receives offer both free offer and firm
offer, then the buyer examines and proposes changes as necessary to acceptance, then making
sales contract agreement. Thus, buying and selling through transfers is allowed in Islam in
accordance with the opinions of the scholars and the sale is comparable with the sale and purchase
of Salam.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30743/akutansi.v4i3.334


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