Analisa Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Pada Volume Ekspor Komoditas Kopi di Jawa Timur

bagas satriyo gading, jeni susyanti, ety saraswati


The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of the USD exchange rate, domestic prices, export prices and production on export volumes both partially and simultaneously. This study used secondary data with documentary data collection methods with time series. The sampling method used purposive sampling form of East Java coffee export volume, rupiah exchange rate, domestic coffee prices, coffee export prices and the amount of East Java coffee production using a quarterly period from 2018 to 2019. The analysis method used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that simultaneously the USD exchange rate, domestic price, export price, and production have a positive and significant effect on export volume. Partially, domestic prices and production have a positive and significant effect on export volume. However, export prices have a positive and significant effect on export volume and production has a positive and insignificant effect on export volume.


Domestic Prices; Export Prices; Production; Volume Of Exports; USD Exchange Rate

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