Pengaruh Asal Air Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Selada Hijau (Lactuca sativa L.) Hidroponik Rakit Apung

Endah Wardani


Water is one of the important factors in supporting plants to grow well, therefore the origin of water needs to be considered. This study aims to determine the effect of several water origins on the growth and yield of green lettuce plants in a floating raft hydroponic system. This study used randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 7 treatments and 4 replications, namely (P1) split air conditioner, (P2) kartini well water, (P3) Salatiga PDAM water, (P4) pangus river water, (P5) rain water, (P6) Andong river water, (P7) rawa pening water. The results of the study showed that andong river water had a significant effect on the growth and yield of green lettuce plants.

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