Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma Static Round-Robin dengan Least-Connection Terhadap Efisiensi Load Balancing pada Load Balancer Haproxy

Hasta Triangga, Ilham Faisal, Imran Lubis


In IT networking, load balancing used to share the traffic between backend servers. The idea is to make effective and efficient load sharing. Load balancing uses scheduling algorithms in the process includes Static round-robin and Least-connection algorithm. Haproxy is a load balancer that can be used to perform the load balancing technique and run by Linux operating systems. In this research, Haproxy uses 4 Nginx web server as backend servers. Haproxy act as a reverse proxy which accessed by the client while the backend servers handle HTTP requests. The experiment involves 20 Client PCs that are used to perform HTTP requests simultaneously, using the Static round-robin algorithm and Least-connection on the haproxy load balancer alternately. When using Static round-robin algorithm, the results obtained average percentages of CPU usage successively for 1 minute; 5 minutes; and 15 minutes are; 0.1%; 0.25%; and 1.15% with average throughput produced is 14.74 kbps. Average total delay produced 64.3 kbps. The average total delay and jitter is 181.3 ms and 11.1 ms, respectively. As for the Least-connection algorithm average percentage obtained successively for 1 minute; 5 minutes; and 15 minutes are 0.1%; 0.3%; and 1.25% with the average throughput produced is 14.66 kbps. The average total delay and jitter is 350.3 ms and 24.5 ms, respectively. It means Static round-robin algorithm is more efficient than the algorithms Least-connection because it can produce a greater throughput with less CPU load and less total delay.

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