Performance Comparison between Paramiko and Netmiko Libraries in Network Automation Process

Kukuh Nugroho, Anggi Dzikri Abrariansyah, Syariful Ikhwan


Configuring network devices in a large network needs a relatively long time when manually configured by a network administrator. Thus, it will make the possibility of error in writing configuration commands becomes even greater. The concept of network automation can be a solution to these problems. The configuration process will be centralized. A programming language is needed in order to make the concept of network automation to communicate between the central computer and all devices in the network. In this research, two libraries in the Python programming language are used, namely Paramiko and Netmiko to enable dynamic routing processes on routers wherein the routing protocol used is Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). The experiment results of a comparative test of the performance of the network automation process show that the use of the Paramiko library provides a 4.14 time faster configuration time than Netmiko.


Network Automation, Paramiko, Netmiko, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

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