Rahmadani Rahmadani


The procurement of goods/services is funded from the State/Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget, and generally always increases from year to year. Likewise, the components of the State/Regional Revenue/Expenditure Budget expenditure in the form of capital expenditure (investment)/direct expenditure, the implementation of which is carried out through the procurement of goods/services. In realizing the capital expenditures/directly carried out through the procurement of goods and services involving various parties, namely users, are parties who need goods/services, and providers of goods/services, are parties who carry out work or services, which are carried out based on official requests or orders. or a contract on the part of the user.

How is the legal arrangement for the procurement of official clothing in Medan City Government based on Presidential Regulation Number 4 of 2015, how are the stages and legal mechanisms carried out by Medan City Revenue Service in the procurement of official clothing, what are the legal solutions carried out by Medan City Revenue Service regarding the procurement of official clothing.

The results of the study indicate that the legal arrangement for the procurement of official clothing in Medan City Government based on Presidential Regulation Number 4 of 2015 concerning the Fourth Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2010 concerning the Procurement of Government Goods/Services has regulated completely and in sufficient detail in the process of procurement of government goods/services. The stages and legal mechanisms carried out by Medan City Revenue Service in the procurement of official clothing are if the parties commit acts that are not in accordance with the provisions for the procurement of goods and services based on Presidential Regulation Number 4 of 2015 concerning the Fourth Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2010 concerning the Procurement of Goods/Services The government will then be penalized in the form of administrative sanctions, sued for compensation / civil lawsuits, reported for criminal proceedings. The legal solution carried out by Medan City Revenue Service regarding the procurement of official clothing in the event of irregularities is the administration of administrative sanctions, carried out by the PPK / ULP Working Group and / or Procurement Officers to the provider.

Keywords: Procurement, Official Clothing, Goods and Services.

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