Penyelesaian Perkara Narkotika Bagi Penyalahguna Sebagai Korban Dengan Pendekatan Keadilan Restoratif Dalam Kajian Norma Keadilan Berdasarkan Pancasila

Ronny Nicolas Sidabutar


Abstract This study aims to analyzethe urgencyofholding restorativejusticefornarcotics abusers who are using narcotics for the first time. And to analyze the reformulation of thetermination of prosecution of narcotics abusers who are using narcotics for the first time.This legal research uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach and a caseapproach. This study resulted in an answer that the urgency of implementing restorative justice is to avoid and distance someone from the judicial process so that they can avoidstigmatization of someone who is in conflict with the law and it is hoped that the person canreturn to thesocial environment naturally. The application of restorative justice is very necessary so that efforts to resolve cases for narcotics crimes for the first time can befocused on recovering (rehabilitation)for the violations committed no longer as retaliationfor the perpetrators but as a form of recovery. And the reformulation of termination of prosecution based on restorative justice, terminationof prosecution is carried out by taking into account: a. the interests of the victims and other protected legal interests; b. avoidanceof negative stigma; c. avoidance of retaliation; d. community response and harmony; and e. obedience, decency, and public order. In addition, criminal cases can be closed for thesake of law and the prosecution stopped based on Restorative justice in terms of the fulfillment of the condition "the suspect has committed a crime for the first time". The application of restorative as a stage of stopping prosecution is important for narcoticsusers who are using narcotics for the first time because by stopping prosecution usingrestorative justice, the rights of abusers can be guaranteed. Keyword: Restorative Justice; Narcotics Abusers; Termination of Prosecution

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