Nanda Aulia Alfarisi, M. Manugeren, Purwarno Purwarno


This research is aimed to analyse internal conflicts as well as the major causes of those conflicts. In order to analyse the two types of conflict proposed by Robert Stanton as well as other theories or concepts related to the study and identification of conflict, such as Lewis Coser and William Kenney, the researchers employ a psychology of literature approach since the core analysis of this study is through the psychology of the character and is supported by behaviourism perspective because it deals with the behavioural phenomena. The boundaries for choosing the causes of conflicts are set by Hoffman where he states that the two major causes of conflicts are conflicting perception and conflicting needs. Frank Herbert's novel Dune serves as the primary source of information for this qualitative descriptive study, while other books and related publications serve as secondary sources following Creswell's data collection and analysis methodology. The results of the analysis show that internal conflicts experienced by Paul Atreides are often caused by conflicting perception and conflicting needs, since those conflicts caused by conflicting perceptions and needs are almost always on the intersections which Paul needs to choose for the story to progress.

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