Hendra Nazmi


PT. Sumber Agrindo Sejahtera is a company engaged in the distribution of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. The problem happened in this study was related to employee job satisfaction due to the increase of employee turnover. The problem also existed in financial compensation was viewed from the employee's complaints against the aspects of salary and benefits given by the company because the company did not consider the employee's employment. In addition, the problem also existed on leadership is viewed from the attitude of managers who are not objective in acting and on the managers' attendance on active working days. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of financial compensation on employee job satisfaction at PT. Sumber Agrindo Sejahtera, to analyze the influence of leadership on employee job satisfaction at PT. Sumber Agrindo Sejahtera, and to analyze the influence of financial compensation and leadership on employee job satisfaction at PT. Sumber Agrindo Sejahtera. The population of this study were employees at PT. Sumber Agrindo Sejahtera consisting 88 people. The researcher used a saturated sampling technique in which all members of the population were selected as the study sample. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regressions and the coefficient of determination. The results of this study show that partially, financial compensation and leadership had a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at PT. Sumber Agrindo Sejahtera. Simultaneously, financial compensation and leadership have a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction at PT. Sumber Agrindo Sejahtera.


Keywords: Financial Compensation, Leadership, Employee Job Satisfaction

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