Memo Sitorus, Togi Manalu, Ira Andira


Job satisfaction is the attitude of employees towards work related to work situations, cooperation between employees, rewards received in work, and other matters concerning physical and psychological factors. Factors that influence job satisfaction are competence and selection. Competence is the ability to carry out or do a job or task based on skills and knowledge and supported by the work attitude demanded by the job. Selection is the selection of candidates who are most qualified to fill job vacancies. PT. Tirta Sumber Menaralestari is a consumer goods distributor company that distributes bottled water. The research method uses a quantitative approach, the type of research used is quantitative descriptive. Data collection is done by interviews, questionnaires and documentation studies. Analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression. The population used is all employees totaling 130 people. Determination of the sample in the study was determined by using the Slovin formula, which is 98 people, while for the validity test 30 employees were taken outside the study sample. The results showed that competency and selection simultaneously and partially had a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction with a determinant coefficient of 0.778 or 77.8%, while the remaining 22.2% was influenced by other independent variables not examined. The conclusion of the study is simultaneously and partially competence and selection have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at PT. Tirta Sumber Menaralestari.


Keywords: Competence, Selection, Job Satisfaction

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