Sri Yulizar Pohan


This study was aimed to examine and analyse the influence of competence, emotional intelligence and commitment, both simultaneously and partially, in influencing the performance of BPJS Kesehatan (Indonesian Health Social Security Administrator) in Branch Offices of North Sumatera-Aceh, as well as testing and analysing whether there were differences in competence, emotional intelligence and employees’ performances in North Sumatra and Aceh. The research method used are quantitative-descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. Research units and locations of the study are employees of the BPJS Kesehatan in Branch Offices throughout the North Sumatra-Aceh Deputy-Region. The number of samples were 221 of all 604 employees in North Sumatra-Aceh Offices. Data collection techniques were primary data with questionnaires, secondary data collection and literature review. F-test was used to determine whether the three independent variables simultaneously affected performance. T-test was used to reveal whether independent variables partially affected the performance. Anova test was utilised to find out whether there was any differences between two groups of independent samples with one distinguishing factor. The results showed that there were significant and positive influences on the variables of competence, emotional intelligence and commitment to performance of BPJS Kesehatan employees in Branch Offices throughout the North Sumatra-Aceh region, both simultaneously or partially. Emotional intelligence was the variable that gives the greatest influence on employees’ performance compared to the other two variables. The adjusted determination coefficient (R2) was measured at 0,667, which meant that around 66.7 percent of the performance diversity can be explained by the all three variables, while the remaining 33.3 percent was influenced by other factors outside the research variables. Anova test results showed that there was no difference in competence, emotional intelligence and commitment between employees in North Sumatra Province and Aceh Province.

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