Ratna Dewi Ningsih


Medan City Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS) as an agency that manages employee performance appraisal, the agency requires employees who have competence in working so that the completed workers have high quality and work quantity so as to produce excellent service to the community. The importance of employee performance in achieving organizational performance, it is necessary to examine factors that can improve employee performance to support the success of the agency in the future. These factors such as Competence, Self-Efficiency and Discipline. The population in this study were 80 employees. Results from data analysis If the competency, self efficacy, and discipline variables of 11,941 are equal to zero, then the performance will be worth as much as a unit with a tendency to decrease. If the competency variable is increased by 1 unit, the teacher's performance will increase by 0.268 units. If self-efficacy is increased by 1 unit, it will be followed by an increase in teacher performance by 0.232 units. If Discipline is increased by 1 unit, it will be followed by an increase in performance of 0.239 units


Keywords: Competence, Self Eficacy, Discipline

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