Syaiful Chalid Siregar


In the past year, namely in 2017 there was a decline in the performan           ce of employees of the Medan City Population and Civil Registry Office, this is because the employee's work decreased by marked many employees who like to be provoked by anger in serving the community. This is clearly related to the low quality of work life and impact in the low performance of the Medan City Population and Civil Registry Service employees compared to other regions. At the same time employees often do not come to work for unclear reasons. This is thought to be influenced by the ability to manage emotional levels in relation to the work done where the intelligence of employees in managing feelings has not been applied by employees and it affects the quality of work produced which will result in employee performance being low.The sample in this study amounted to 35 people in all populations. The multiple linear regression equation can be interpreted as follows: If the variable work ethic, quality of life, emotional intelligence 34,137 is equal to zero, then the performance will be worth as much as a unit with a tendency to decrease. If the work ethic variable is increased by 1 unit, the teacher's performance will be increased by 0.292 units. If the quality of life is increased by 1 unit, it will be followed by an increase in teacher performance by 0.375 units.

If emotional intelligence is increased by one, it will be followed by an increase in performance of 0.564 units


Keywords: Work Ethic, Quality of Life and Intelligence

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