Ridho Yosi Emmawan


The problems in this research are: What is the influence of leadership, empowerment, work environment and role conflict partially and jointly on the performance of the East Medan Primary Tax Office employees? Research objectives: To find out how the influence of leadership, empowerment, work environment and role conflict partially and simultaneously on the performance of employees of the East Medan Primary Tax Office. The hypothesis proposed is: There is an influence of leadership, empowerment, work environment and work conflict partially and jointly on the performance of employees of the East Medan Primary Tax Service office. The study was conducted at the East Medan Pratama Tax Office Jalan Sukamulia Number 17-A Medan with a population of 125 people, and a sample of 110 people. Based on the results of the analysis, there is a significant influence between leadership on the performance of the employees of the Primary Medan Tax Service Office, according to the results of the analysis of t count> t-table (3.809> 1.66) at n = 110 with a significance level of 95% There is a significant influence between the empowerment of the performance of the employees of the East Medan Primary Tax Office, this is in accordance with the results of the analysis t count> t-table (1.875> 1.66) at n = 110 with a significance level of 95%. There is a significant influence between the work environment on the performance of the employees of the East Medan Primary Tax Office, this is in accordance with the results of the analysis t count> t-table (3.558> 1.66) at n = 110 with a significance level of 95%. There is a negative and significant influence between role conflict on the performance of employees of the East Medan Primary Tax Office, this is in accordance with the results of the analysis of tcount> t-table (-0.220> 1.66) at n = 110 with a significance level of 95%. The value of F-count> F table (139.221> 2.46) together (multiple) there is a significant effect of leadership, empowerment, work environment and role conflict on the performance of employees of the East Medan Primary Tax Office. So the hypothesis proposed is accepted by the truth


Keyworld: Leadership, empowerment, work environment and role conflict and employee performance

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