Ilham Sonata, Nuraida ., Edi Sofian


This study aims to find out and explain how the influence of personality and continuance commitment to the performance of employees of the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of North Sumatra Province. Researchers used descriptive analysis techniques and analysis of multiple linear regression types of data used in this study of primary data and secondary data. The primary data consists of questionnaires or questionnaires from employees of the Marine and Fisheries Office of North Sumatra Province. Secondary data in the form of data obtained through documentation studies, both from books, journals and internet sites to support this research. The problem formulation in this study is How personality influence and Continuance commitment (ongoing commitment) to the performance of employees in the Office of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of North Sumatra Province.  The method of collecting samples in this study is a simple random sample technique method with a population of 160 people and a sample of 62 people. Measurements in this study use likert scale and processed statistically using spss vs 2.0 program. Hypothesis testing in this study is validity and reliability test, classic assumption test, t test and F test, determinant coefficient test (R2). Based on the analysis and evaluation, it is known that personality positively affects the performance of employees of the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of North Sumatra Province. But from the test results t thitung value X1 = 2,996 > 1,671 can be said that partially personality affects positively and significantly on employee performance. While the value of thitungX2 = 1,236 ˂ 1,671 can also be said that Continuance commitments have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. And the results of simultaneous test (F test) of 7,999 ˃ 3.15 of this research can be proven simultaneously that there is a positive and significant influence between personality and continuance commitment to performance.

 Keywords : Personality, Continuance Commitment, Employee Performance

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