Lamsah Saragih


This study aims to increase the interest in learning and math learning outcomes of grade VIII-5 students of SMP Negeri 1 Sei Bingai Year 2019-2020 through the audio visual learning media powtoonmateri Build Flat Side Room. The type of research used using classroom research with qualitative descriptive research method consists of 2 cycles, each cycle consists of 2 meetings. Data collection techniques in this study use observations and tests with data sources, namely students and teachers. The results of the data analysis showed an increase in students' interest in learning and math learning outcomes in the Flat Side Room Building material. The data showed an improvement in students' learning outcomes and interests from the initial cycle to cycle II. The results of the first cycle test, obtained data of grade VIII-5 students who completed KKM (75) in cycle I as many as 27 students (87%) with details, 12 students (39%) fall into the category of "Excellent" and as many as 15 students (48%) fall into the category of "Good".  Meanwhile, grade VIII-5 students who have not completed KKM (75) in cycle I as many as 4 students (13%) with the kateori "Enough".  Furthermore, in cycle II, grade VIII-5 students who have completed KKM (75) as many as 30 students (97%) with details of 18 students (58%) "Excellent" category and 12 students (39%) fall into the category of "Good". The students who have not completed KKM (75) are only 1 student (3%) with category "Enough". In the assessment of students' interest in learning mathematics, in cycle I for two meetings can be described, the number of scores of assessment of interest in mathematics students grade VIII-5 in cycle I meeting 1 is worth 90 with the category "High" and increased at meeting 2 with a score of 95 category "Very High". Interest in learning mathematics grade VIII-5 students of SMP Negeri 1 Sei Bingai in the second cycle of meeting 1 scored the assessment of students' interest in grade VIII-5 of 97.5 with the category "Very High", and the assessment of students' interest in cycle II meeting 2 was 100 with the category "Very High". Thus, this study concluded that the interest in learning and the results of mathematics learning of grade VIII-5 students of SMP Negeri 1 Sei Bingai increased by using the help of Powtoon audio visual media. 

 Keywords: Learning Interests, Learning Outcomes, Audio Visual media, Powtoon.

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