Rahmad Yusuf, Nono Kiswanto Pinem, M. Hasbi, Arif Firmansyah, Salmidin .


Work performance is the result of work achieved by employees based on the completion of tasks and responsibilities entrusted to them which can be measured both in terms of completion time and how to complete them. Discipline is the awareness and willingness of a person to obey all office regulations and applicable social norms. So, someone is willing to comply with all regulations and carry out his duties, both voluntarily and by necessity, the quality of work life can be interpreted into two views, the first view states that the quality of work life is a set of circumstances and practices of organizational goals. good person to do work happily and positively, to achieve the goals that he is about to achieve. This research was conducted at the Langsa City BPN Office with a sample of 89 employees, using multiple linear regression analysis research methods. The results of this study are discipline has a positive and significant effect on work performance, quality of work life has a positive and significant effect on work performance, morale has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and discipline, quality of work life and work spirit together have a positive effect. and significant to the work performance of employees at the Langsa City BPN Office.


Keywords: Discipline, Quality of Work Life, Morale and Work Achievement


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