Dimas Hardiansyah, Syofian ., Zulkifli Siregar, Julienda Br. Harahap


Uncontrolled population growth will have many negative impacts on a region or a country. Population growth that continues to increase is caused by a higher life expectancy, resulting in an increase in the birth rate compared to the death rate. With this increase, of course, the population will also increase which will have a direct impact on population growth in the city of Medan. This study aims to determine the effect of life expectancy and population on population growth in the city of Medan. This type of research is associative research with a quantitative approach. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that life expectancy partially has a significant positive effect on population growth in the city of Medan. The total population partially has a significant positive effect on population growth in the city of Medan. Life expectancy and population simultaneously have a significant positive effect on population growth in the city of Medan. The population in this study includes the population data of Medan City. The sample in this study is data on life expectancy, population, and population growth in Medan City for the 2016-2020 period obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Medan City. Based on the results of the partial test, it is known that the variable Life Expectancy (X1) Total Population (X2) has an influence on Population Growth (Y). Based on the results of the simultaneous test, it was found that the Life Expectancy (X1) and Total Population (X2) had a simultaneous (simultaneous) effect on the Population Growth variable (Y).


Keywords : Life Expectancy, Population, Population Growth

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