Conie Nopinda Br Sitepu, Jupianus Sitepu


The district of Naman Teran is the most widespread vegetable cabbage cultivated compared to other sub-districts namely Simpang Empat subdistrict, Merdeka District, Kecamatan Berastagi and Kabanjahe subdistrict, covering an area of 405 Ha and its cultivation for three months and Marketed. The cause of the request for cabbage is the quality of the cabbage decreases and dies young, one of the causes is the volcanic ash struck in Mount Sinabung eruption. So the price never rises during the whole year 2016- 2017 farmers, the statue does not make a sale because of demand, so farmers do not dare to plant cabbage. This condition is very disturbing the community of Naman Teran subdistrict, then the community is turning other vegetables such as chili, tomato, potato and so on, because the price of this vegetable is more promised price. This research analyzes the marketing system of cabbage in Naman Teran subdistrict. In the first marketing system conducted analysis on cabbage marketing and marketing channels. Marketing analysis through two approaches, namely economic and management approaches. The economic approach is done by function approaches, institutional approaches, and system approaches. A management approach by analyzing supply chains on each marketing channel. Supply chains are analysed with the Supply Chain Networking (SCN) approach including supply chain structure, supply chain business processes, supply chain management, chain resources, target chains and supply chain performance with margin approach, farmer's share and cost profit ratio. Thus giving an overview of the Cabbage Marketing System in Naman Teran sub-district to farmers, in order for the District farmer Naman Teran know the marketing actors who can affect the price of cabbage. Provide understanding of cabbage supply Chain performance in Naman Teran subdistrict to increase added value to the marketing practitioner

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