Mutia Hafifah


This study deals with constative and performative utterances in Jokowi’s speeches. It was aimed at investigating the types of constative and performative utterances in Jokowi’s speeches, to describe the realization of constative and performative utterances in Jokowi’s speeches and to state the reason why constative and performtive utterances used in Jokowi’s speeches. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were the utterances of Jokowi’s speeches held on 10 January 2016 in Jakarta about “Pembangunan Nasional semesta Berencana untuk Indonesia Raya” and Jokowi’s speech held on 17 February 2016 in San Fransisco with theme “Diaspora Indonesia”. The sources of data of this study were taken from Jokowi’s speeches videos downloaded from youtube. Based on the data analysis, there are eleven types of constative used by Jokowi in his speeches; affirming, allegging, announcing, answering, concuring, disclosing, identifying, informing, predicting, reporting and stipulting. In performative utterances, Jokowi used all types of performative utterances; verdictives, exertives, commisives, behabitives and expositives. In the realization of constative utterances, Jokowi used the form of indirect speech act. In performative utterances, he used direct and indirect speech act. Jokowi used constative and performative utterances to persuade the listeners to participate in the improvement of Indonesia.

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