Rumida Rumida, Lusyana Gloria Doloksaribu


Obesity is a worldwide problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared obesity as a global epidemic which is a health problem that must be addressed immediately and can threaten public health if not addressed. Obesity is a condition in which excessive fat accumulation occurs due to an imbalance of energy intake (energy intake) with energy used (energy expenditure) for a long time in adipose tissue, so that health is disturbed.The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between diet and the incidence of obesity in adults based on a literature study.This research method was a literature study by identifying 11 articles that have been selected according to the research objectives. Article selection is done by setting inclusion and exclusion criteria consisting of duplication, title, abstract and PICOS criteria. The PICOS criteria used in this study are Population, Intervention, Comparison, Study Design, Full Text, Language and year of Publishing. The databases used in the article search are Google Scholar, Portal Garuda and PubMed. Article search was done by specifying Indonesian keywords AND and English keywords and/or.The results showed that of the 11 articles reviewed, there were 8 articles stating that there was a correlation between diet and the incidence of obesity in adults and 3 articles stating that there was no correlation between diet and obesity in adults. This is because some people have a good level of knowledge and behavior to prevent obesity and there are other factors that affect nutritional status, especially obesity.


Obesity; Food Patern; Adults

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