Lily Lily


Iqra (reading) is the first verse of Al Qur’an. Reading is very important. One of the skills in language learning is reading. Reading is a passive activity in language learning. Skills in reading is not restricted only reading or sounding groups of words in a text, more than that skill in reading include the skill to comprehend and understand the whole text being read. Reading comprehension skill becomes very important to the higher students for they read to gain many information and knowledge from the books and reference they read in order to improve and widen their knowledge and skills.  Preliminary survey found that most of students had already got good mark for English, but their reading comprehension skill was still needed to practice and improve. For this reason then, an alternative model of learning namely NHT model was chosen to be conducted to prove that it could improve students’ reading ability as well as their participation in learning.

This research conducted Class Action Research using Kemmis and Taggart model with the sample 45 persons of the second semester students A.Y. 2020/2021 AKBID Langkat. This research was conducted with the objective to improve the ability of the students in comprehending text, especially written text.

The result of the research showed the improvements of the students’ ability in reading comprehension after two cycles of action as well as their participation in the class activity. In cycle 1, it was found that the average score of the students improved from 73,60 to 76,04 and the classical study completeness improved form 44,44 % to 66,67%. In cycle 2, the result showed that the average score of the students’ reading comprehension improved from 76,04 to 79,36 and the classical completeness improved from 66,67% to 82,2 %. This result showed that the classical completeness was above the expected target,75%, meant the cycle could be stopped in cycle 2, and it could be said that Cooperative Learning: NHT Model could improve students’ reading comprehension ability.


Reading Comprehension Ability; NHT Model; Cooperative Learning

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