Fauzi Fauzi


Employee performance is an important factor in determining whether or not the company's performance is achieved. PT. Limberjaya Medan  as a company that supply goods and apparel appliance into supermarkets and shops in the area of North Sumatra experienced  problems relating to Competency and Job Stress. The problem that often occurs related to the time of delivery of goods and the high pressure of work stress in the work. The theories used in this research are theories of Human Resource Management, which deals with Competence, Work Stress and Employee Performance. The research used quantitative approach with quantitative descriptive research type and  the nature of this research is descriptive explanatory. Data were collected  through questionnaires, interviews and documentation study. The analytical method used in this research is multiple regression analysis. The population of this study were employees of PT. Limberjaya Medan consisting of  92 people of which 30 respondents  were used to test the validity and the remaining 62 respondents were  used for the study samples. The results of the research showed that the competence and stress work simultaneously affected the performance of employees with a value of F-count > F-table (26 909> 3, 15). The results showed that simultaneously H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. The results showed that partially Competency had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees in which t-count > t-table (2.123> 1.99897) and partially job stress had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees in which t-count > t-table (3,377> 1,999). In conclusion,  this study showed that simultaneously and partially Competency and Job Stress had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Limberjaya Medan.


Competence; Work Stress; Employee Performance

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