Nathasa Weisdania Sihite, Manuntun Rotua


Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that can cause children's height growth is not optimal. In the long term, stunting can cause adverse effects such as decreased cognitive abilities and the child's immune system in the future. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide preventive efforts in the form of education and increase knowledge to cadres in preventing stunting in early childhood. Cadres are one of the important factors in providing knowledge about the risk of stunting to people who are under the regional fostered posyandu. Methods of socialization and education in the form of direct, educational videos and the creation of WhatsApp Groups were carried out in this activity. There were 14-15 cadres in attendance. Knowledge data collection was carried out in the form of pre and post-tests. The results showed that there was an increase in cadre knowledge when given education by the lecturer team with a percentage of 72%. Posyandu cadres were enthusiastic about the material provided and participated in the event from beginning to end. It is hoped that further community service activities will be held regularly by the local government, to increase more qualified knowledge, especially for posyandu cadres in preventing stunting in their working areas.

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