Abdul Rojak Daulay, Mardiansyah Mardiansyah


The COVID-19 pandemic has made local governments increasingly strengthen their roles and authorities in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic quickly and precisely.  So there were no people who had symptoms or corona disease, but in handling food aid and various other aids, various problems were still found, especially ineffective distribution, this shows that the coordination has not been effective. This shows that coordination from the center is less accurate.  From this description, it is illustrated that the author analyzes Decentralization and Coordination in Subdistricts in Handling the Covid 19 Pandemic. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of decentralization, coordination of the COVID-19 pandemic control and to identify obstacles to decentralization, coordination in Ulu Barumun District, Padang Lawas Regency.  The approach method in this research is content analysis method. The results of the research carried out are that the implementation of decentralization for handling the COVID-19 pandemic in Ulu Barumun District, Padang Lawas Regency is going well, where the central government gives full authority to the Province, the province gives authority to the Regency and the Regency gives authority to the District to the Village.


decentralization and coordination; the covid-19 pandemic

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