The high number of homeless people in Medan is caused by economic and cultural factors of the community. The most important thing that the social service must pay attention to is the guidance for the homeless. Because at certain times the homeless population increases, such as on holidays, religious holidays, and in recreation centers. So this study aims to determine the role of social services in tackling homelessness, preventive development of social services, and repressive guidance of social services against homeless people in Medan city. By using descriptive methods with qualitative data analysis techniques where data were obtained through interviews and observations. The results showed that the role of the Medan City Social Service in tackling the homeless in the city of Medan was in accordance with Government Regulation No. 31 of 1980 in a preventive and repressive way, namely by conducting data collection raids and empowerment but not yet optimal. The obstacles in tackling the homeless are the absence of a special container or shelter in the city of Medan to accommodate the homeless who are specifically for Medan residents.
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