Willy Milando, Zainuddin Nasution


The growth of street vendors as the informal sector is often negatively associated with the urban environment. But the need for street vendors by the community makes the existence of these street vendors more and more. Medan City Regional Government Regulation No. 31 of 1993 in conjunction with the Mayor's Letter of Medan No. 54/SK/1994 and Mayor Regulation No. 8 of 2009 concerning the prohibition of trading on road berms, sidewalks, and road shoulders is still not effective, marked by the number of street vendors violations. This study aims to determine the Process, Benefits and Constraints in Structuring the Empowerment of Street Vendors at Simpang Limun Market, Medan City. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques: observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the policy of structuring and empowering street vendors at Simpang Limun Market has not gone well. This is because many street vendors who join Seksama's new market feel they have not been served properly regarding the disposition of market managers and policy implementers. This causes traders to prefer not to sell again at Seksama's new market and choose to sell again along Jalan SM.Raja Simpang Limun Market, Medan City.


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