Fahri Ismail Simamora, Nova Zulfani Panggabean, Putri Utami, Hendy Bhuana Putra, Nazla Nazla


This formula research internal issue is how influence culture organization on employees performance. How influence of communication on employees performance. How influence of


on   employees performance. How influence of

culture organization, communication

and motivation on

employees performance. This research target is to for know influence and

analyze of

culture organization on  employees performance. For know influence and analyze


communication on

employees performance. For know influence and analyze



employees performance. For know influence and analyze

culture organization, communication

and motivation on

employees performance   Sample in this research amount to 36 employees.



Technique analyze data which used in this research is analysis of regresi multiple linear. This

research result explain of

culture organization effect positive and significant on


performance.   Communication

effect  positive  and  significant  on



Motivation  effect  positive  and  significant  on   employees  performance.



communication and motivation effect and positive and significant on

employees performance

This formula research internal issue is how influence culture organization on employees performance. How influence of communication on employees performance. How influence of


on   employees performance. How influence of

culture organization, communication

and motivation on

employees performance. This research target is to for know influence and

analyze of

culture organization on  employees performance. For know influence and analyze


communication on

employees performance. For know influence and analyze



employees performance. For know influence and analyze

culture organization, communication

and motivation on

employees performance   Sample in this research amount to 36 employees.



Technique analyze data which used in this research is analysis of regresi multiple linear. This

research result explain of

culture organization effect positive and significant on


performance.   Communication

effect  positive  and  significant  on



Motivation  effect  positive  and  significant  on   employees  performance.



communication and motivation effect and positive and significant on

employees performance


Culture organization, Communication, Motivation, Performance

Full Text:




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