Aminuddin .


PT. Tor Ganda Medan is a company engaged in oil palm plantations and processing factory which is located on Jl. Abdullah Lubis No. 26 Medan. Some of the problems that occur in the PT. Tor Ganda Medan are related to perceived unfair compensation by employees. In terms of working environment, employees feel uncomfortable with a work environment that is less conducive to do the job as well as employees which is not comfortable with the presence of unfair competition that often lead to disputes between employees. Problems that occur regarding the compensation and work environment cause employee dissatisfaction that many employees choose to leave the company. Based on the brief description, the problem is formulated as follows, what is the effect of compensation and work environment on employees satisfaction PT. Tor Ganda Medan.

          The theory use in this research are those of Human Resorce Management relating to compensation, working environment and working satisfaction.

          The research method used Likert scale while the research type is descriptive quantitative and the nature is explanatory description. Data collection was performed through interview, question list and documentary study. Method of data analysis used is multiple regression. The population of the study were all employees working at PT. Tor Ganda Medan consisting of 268 persons. Sampels were taken by random sampling technique using Slovin formula consisting of 16o samples..

          Results of research on the hypothesis shows that compensation and working environment simultaneously and partially have a significant effect on job satisfaction where R Square of 90.3% job satisfaction variable can be explained by the compensation variable and work environment and rest as much as 9.7% can be explained by other factors that were not examined such as: leadership style, improper placement with the expertise, the severity of the work, the nature of workers, etc. And the partial results of the study also showed that there was a significant effect on employee job satisfaction, and compensation is the most dominant factor influencing job satisfaction.

          In conclusion, the study showed that there was a significant effect of compensation and working environment on employee job satisfaction either partially and simultaneously at PT. Tor Ganda Medan.

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