Tri Kartika Yudha, Sya frizal, Rosperasi Juni Sartika Saragih


In the observation that researchers do at the Medan Forestry Service office is not yet effective and efficient in the application of occupational safety and Health at the Medan Forestry Service office, not fully meet the quality and the quantity set in the application of job satisfaction at the Medan Forestry Service office, not optimal in the application of occupational safety The purpose of this research is to know the effect of occupational safety and health to employee productivity, the effect of job satisfaction on employee productivity, the effect of occupational safety and Health and work satisfaction on employee productivity. This research uses quantitative analysis methods. The population in this weaver is the number of employees of Medan Forestry Service office as many as 30 people as samples of research. As for the technical analysis of data used is multiple linear regression using SPSS 21. The result of this research is occupational safety and health towards employee productivity work is acceptable for the reason of the T-Calculate value of occupational safety and Health 0.263 and its significance value 0.794, while the T-table value at the rate of 95% (0.05) is 2,770. The value of the T-count < T-table (0.263 < 2,770) was decided in the study of occupational safety and health in a partial positive and insignificant impact on employee work productivity. Job satisfaction on employee productivity work is acceptable for the reason T-calculate work satisfaction 3,705 and its significance value 0.001 while the T-table value at the confidence level of 95% (0.05) is 2,770. The value of T-count < T-table (3,705 < 2,770), then in this research is anini. Work satisfaction is partially positive and significant to the employee's work productivity. Occupational safety and health and work satisfaction towards employee productivity. This is evidenced that the value of significance for occupational health and safety and work satisfaction simultaneously on employee productivity is 0.000 < 0.05 and F-count value of 15.370 < F-Table 3.35, so that it can be concluded that occupational safety and health and work satisfaction simultaneously have a positive influence on employees ' work productivity. That hypothesis of This research was received. . On test determinations R Square (R2) amounted to 0.532 or 5.4%. Occupational safety and Health and work satisfaction of employees ' work productivity amounted to 5.4%. The remainder is 94.6% influenced or spelled out by other variables that are not included in this category of research models.

Keyword : Occupational safety and health, work satisfaction, productivity

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