Sri Wulan, Suci Ramadhani Lubis, Nur Latifah, Sofia Sahana Sitorus, Aigon Hariandi


Language is one of the most important means by which humans communicate and interact with other humans. In this era of globalization, digital technology has been increasingly developing, in modern times people can easily access and learn foreign languages through social media platforms or applications specifically for foreign languages. This research discusses the most effective platforms in improving foreign language skills for users, and  the effectiveness of using the platform in increasing language learning skills. The study used a qualitative descriptive method by collecting data using Google Form as a medium for data collection. 100 respondents were taken randomly as sample in this study from around 20 cities in Indonesia were used. The results and conclusions of the research are that the most widely used platform as a medium for learning foreign languagesindependently is social media. Of the 100 respondents, 71% chose social media accounts with language learning content on social media as the platform used to improve their ability to learn foreign languages independently. The most dominant type of social media account used is Instagram. 48.1% of the respondents answered that Istagram can help them to improve the ability to learn foreign languages with its effectiveness reaching 53.5%. It is stated to be quite good in helping to learn foreign languages independently. In conclusion, Instagram accounts with foreign language learning contents are the most effective in learning foreign languages independently.


Languange; foreign language; language study platform; efectivenes

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