Elisabeth Sri Pujiastuti, Juli Ritha Tarigan, Ranto Niki Sitio


A research to study the effect of the type of IMOs  and the dose of chicken manure on the growth and yield of peanut was carried out using a randomized block design with three replications and two treatment factors, namely the types of IMO consisting of IMO of tamarillo, pineapple  and orange peels, and the dose of chicken manure with the levels of 0, 10, 20 and 30 tons/ha. The IMOs were applied at a concentration of 45 ml/liter, each  The parameters were:  plant height, stem diameter, filled pods per plant and yield per plot. The results showed that type of IMO and its interaction with the dose of chicken manure had no significant effect on plant growth and yield of peanut, while the dose of chicken manure had no significant effect on plant height and stem diameter, but had a significant effect on yield per plot and had a very significant effect on the filled pod per plant. The three types of IMO gave the same good effect, as indicated by the production of 197 percent compared to the yield potential of Gajah variety.


fruit waste; chicken manure; tamarillo peel; pineapple peel; orange peel; indigenous microorganisms

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