Ratna Zahara


Premix flour is a mixture of several different types of flour to partially replace certain flour components, which can be packaged into ready-to-use instant flour for processing various food products so that processing becomes practical, saves time, and has good shelf life. The formulation of mung bean flour, katuk leaf flour, and wheat flour which is made into a dough in the form of cake is expected to increase the nutritional value so that it is suitable for snacking.

This study is an experimental Completely Randomized Design, with 3 treatments and 2 repetitions, treatment A 50 g wheat flour + 45 g mung bean flour + 5 g katuk leaf flour, treatment B  50 g wheat flour + 40 g mung bean flour + 10 g of katuk leaf flour and treatment C, 50 g of wheat flour + 35 g of mung bean flour + 15 g of katuk leaf flourThe panelists as the subject of this study were 20 students from the Department of Nutrition, Poltekkes, Ministry of Health, Medan who were randomly selected. The research time was carried out for 3 months, from November 2021 to January 2022The consumer's acceptance of the Sukahitu cake with the most preferred variety of premix flour is treatment A with 50 gr wheat flour: mung bean flour: 45 gr: 5 gr katuk leaf flour


Premix Flour; Katuk Leaves; Green Beans; Cake

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