Hidayati Hidayati


The research is concerned with the local wisdom of Kembar Mayang in wedding tradition of Jawa ethnic. Local wisdom can be in the forms of knowledge, skills and policies used for the welfare of the peoples concerned. Tied to this, Kembar Mayang,  about a meter in height,  has been known as a pair of symbolic ornaments made from of janur or coconut leaf, trunks of  banana tree, fruits and flowers of five colors and usually presented in the wedding tradition of Jawa ethnic. The research is conducted by means of descriptive qualitative method and supported by phenomenological approach. Data collection technique and procedures cover observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation with 20 key informants consisting of community leader, scholars, and community members. The results show that there are four points of local wisdom in Kembar Mayang: Maintaining Family Honor, termed  keris-kerisan in the form of  dagger-shaped webbing; Mutual Protection, termed  payung-payungan in the form of  umbrella-shaped webbing;  Fidelity, termed  manuk-manukan in the form of  bird-shaped webbing; Tenacity and Sacrifice, termed walang-walangan, in the form of  praying mantis- shaped webbing. Kembar Mayang as a cultural heritage is to be preserved to be used as a guideline in social life. 


Local Wisdom, Kembar Mayang, Wedding Tradition, Javanesse Ethnic

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30743/ll.v2i1.552


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